I believe that our species will not last long. It does not seem to be made of the stuff that has allowed the turtle, for example, to continue to exist more or less unchanged for hundreds of millions of years; for hundreds of times longer, that is, than we have been in existence. We belong to a short-lived genus of species. All of our cousins are already extinct. What’s more, we do damage. The brutal climate and environmental changes we have triggered are unlikely to spare us. For the Earth they may turn out to be a small irrelevant blip, but I do not think that we will outlast them unscathed - especially since public opinion prefers to ignore the dangers which we are running, hiding our heads in the sand. We are perhaps the only species on Earth to be conscious of the inevitability of our own individual mortality. I fear that soon we shall also have to become the only species that will knowingly watch the coming of its own collective demise, or at least the demise of its civilisation.
These words had a powerful effect on me and were the inspiration for this piece when reading 2016 Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli.....
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Each component is in itself a discreet package to include my probability equation.
The textile components have been made to show the joyous explosion of the patterns, it could be any natural pattern, once the harm we have wrought has been extinguished and they have once more been allowed to develop. I have chosen a random selection from the geometrical, to the shapes in an old stone wall, to the pattern of a virus and so on. Without our interventions, I believe our world will recover and they will flourish again. The materials used could be read metaphorically and the equation although perhaps contrived, serves as a possible explanation.![On the Balance of Probability']}](data/uploads/IMG_3856.JPG)
![On the Balance of Probability']}](data/uploads/04OntheBalanceofProbability.JPG)
These words had a powerful effect on me and were the inspiration for this piece when reading 2016 Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli.....
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![On the Balance of Probability']}](data/uploads/TheBalanceofProbability.jpeg)
The textile components have been made to show the joyous explosion of the patterns, it could be any natural pattern, once the harm we have wrought has been extinguished and they have once more been allowed to develop. I have chosen a random selection from the geometrical, to the shapes in an old stone wall, to the pattern of a virus and so on. Without our interventions, I believe our world will recover and they will flourish again. The materials used could be read metaphorically and the equation although perhaps contrived, serves as a possible explanation.
![On the Balance of Probability']}](data/uploads/01OntheBalanceofProbability.jpg)