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Molly Tufnell

Molly Tufnell

'Stitches the Universe'

Contemporary Artist & Teacher


I am a contemporary artist and teacher living and working in the southwest of England. Before training as an artist my background was in health and social care where I also qualified as a teacher and counsellor. My first love was always art and in my late forties I could no longer resist it’s pull and trained as an artist.

I have an absolute wonder for the interconnected way our universe works and faith that there is an order to things but this is not only based on mathematical calculations; rather it is through observation of natural patterning and processes and how this relates to human experience.

Image by kind permission of Dr. Steven Paige

Image by kind permission of Dr Steven Paige

...from 'Albert's Dream' 2007...

Morrab Library, Penzance - for, More Cornwall

My more general observations and connections between the natural world and textiles began to happen when teaching textile techniques to both adults and children and were entirely intuitive, but latterly these have been more focused through studio research and practice; I have also developed a deeper more intellectual understanding of how patterns in nature form and connect. So, the absolutes of maths and physics ( far as the conclusions drawn from current research take us for the moment!), textile construction and techniques and intuition are the ingredients I use as a basis for my studio practice. However, as well as this, it is interesting that I am am returning in more detail to watching and researching people patterns; this is an abiding fascination and was of course, part of my work before becoming an artist and is reflected in my community project Connecting Threads (tranquillity through meditative slow stitching)

All things are interconnected!

My Community Project is:

Connecting Threads

tranquillity through meditative slow stitch

supported by Arts Well CIC

for more information go to PROJECTS